I went fishing with my friends parents (Allyssa) and Tre and Nateijie (nu-ta-u) came too. We didn't catch anything but we had a blast!! We went down to Rose Ponds and fished there. My firend Tre got his hook and bober caught and it was his dad's so he rolled up his pant legs and went out and got it. Allyssa and i got bored after a while so we took a funny picture that is down below.

The picture below is me with my friends Allyssa and Nateijie. We took this when we first got to the fishing spot. Nateijie like the chips that she brought.

This is my friend Tre (Trey) that is how you say it. He is the one that got his bobber stuck. He also let me use one of his bobbers cause the one that I had was crappy and I accually got it stuck in some weeds! I didn't mean to but I felt so bad cause he went out and got it cause it was his dad's.

Here are just some other fishing photos !