Sunday, June 14, 2009


I had so much fun doing the Cinderella play! I was in the Sound Of Music too but this one was so much fun. I had so many friends that did it and I made new ones too. Like now I have two new friends from Snake River High School and some from the Middle School. This play was so fun the stepsisters were as good as the ones in the cartoon if not better. When we started our first day of rehersal I had no idea what Cinderella it was (it wasn't the cartoon) until the harold did the first little bit of the song. Then I knew which one that it was I had liked this Cinderella movie better than the cartoon one. It was so fun at practices and the best scene that I got to do was the opening when you sing "The Prince Is Giving A Ball". I had so much fun at the cast party but I don't have any pictures of it. Elise Moser taught Kiah and I how to do the footloose line dance and the we like to party one too.

Here are some pictures of the play:

This is me and one of my new friends Katie.

This is the prince and the king and it is funny because they are really father and son in real life.

This is Daniela, me, Kiah, Tiesa, and Kayden.

This is Lorenzo with the step sisters and the step mother. The step mother said that Lorenzo either had to take a picture with them or Cinderella. This is Todd and Hillary.
Cody and me.
Todd, me, Arianna, and her friend (I forgot his name).
Rachel and me (friend from snake river).

This is the front of the program.

Isn't It Strange?

Grandma Call sent this to me and I thought that it was cool. It is so true everything that it says.

Isn't It Strange

Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount when you donate it to church, but such a small amount when you go shopping?

Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when you're at church, and how short they seem when you're watching a good movie?

Isn't it strange that you can't find a word to say when you're praying but.. you have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend?

Isn't it strange how difficult and boring it is to read one chapter of the Bible but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel?

Isn't it strange how everyone wants front-row-tickets to concerts or games but they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row in Church?

Isn't it strange how we need to know about an event for Church 2-3 weeks before the day so we can include it in our agenda, but we can adjust it for other events in the last minute?

Isn't it strange how we believe everything that magazines and newspapers say but.... we question the words in the Bible?

Isn't it strange how everyone wants a place in heaven but... they don't want to believe, do, or say anything to get there?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Going Down!!

Wendy, Emily, and I had so much fun!! Emily and Lorenzo were playing in his room and Wendy looked kinda bored. I really was so I asked her if she wanted to slide! I went and got Lorenzo's sleeping bag and when I was headed for the stairs Wendy was by the door. I told her to come on and knowing Wendy she was sad and wanted to go outside because she thought that we were going to slide outside. I took her to the stairs and laid the sleeping bag on the stairs. I got in the bag and Wendywas on my lap. And down we went!!! Wendy was laughing her head off. She loved it. We had to go eat dinner after a couple of times but after dinner Emily came too so we did a three way sliding. It was really fun and we went down a little faster than I had expected, but still it was so much fun!! Mom took a picture of us going down so that I could put it on my blog. It was really fun but Mom made us stop after a while cause we were kinda being loud! I kinda had to stick my foot out so that Mom could take the picture!!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Lorenzo and I had so much fun Sunday!! Him mom and me played Sorry and some other games. It was a really close game but mom won then me then Lorenzo. Well I got out some cards and asked Lorenzo if he wanted to play 52 pick-up. Well of course knowing Lorenzo he didn't know what it was but he wanted to play. He is pretty good at the game but he is dangerous to play with!! So next time you want to play 52 pick-up or any other game that has to do with getting more than someone else... BEWARE!! It was so much fun though. Mom took some pictures and a video. It was a fun Sunday!

Lorenzo won the 52 Pick-Up but he cheated he stole most of my cards! After I had fun throwing them at him!

Here is the video.